Covid-19 Disinfection Services

Covid-19 Disinfection Services

Covid-19 Disinfection Services

On the 1 of July 2021, South Africa recorded 19506 new covid-19 cases, as well as 383 covid-19 related deaths. The increasing number of cases has lead to South Africans taking every precaution to ensure a healthy living environment. We at Camperdown have had a busy week attending to requests for disinfection services. Whether it be a home or a work place, we have been making use of our fogging machines to disinfect all surfaces.

We are still proudly assisting Benoni Child Welfare services with free disinfection services, to ensure our children are in a safe, covid-19 free environment.

We at Camperdown Health and Hygiene are committed to assisting South Africa through this pandemic.


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